Submits feedback about identified fraud through a tab-separated file.

If you come across any fraudulent activity, you can report it to AtData using the Submit Feedback API. This helps AtData prevent similar frauds from happening in the future by keeping track of past fraud reports. It also assists in improving the accuracy of our models by incorporating new fraud trends into our detection logic. So, if you receive information about confirmed fraud, please submit it through the feedback API.

To use this endpoint, you need to send a tab-separated file in the request. An example structure of this .tsv file is presented below:

reference_id email ip risk_level risk_type source
453127da-9020-4bc5-87b9-30317b8be0d0 [email protected] High credit _ card chargeback
9be3edef-9244-4597-baf9-36ebfc271f4d [email protected] High credit _ card chargeback


What is a TSV File?

A TSV (Tab-Separated Values) file is a simple text format for storing data in a tabular structure. Each line in the file represents a row, and fields within a row are separated by tab characters.

The recipe below shows an example code using Python to perform this request:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!